
Showing posts from 2012

The Wound Won't Heal in one day.

When India got Independence in August 15th, 1947, there was a huge relief that our Country will grow and do miracle among the other competent countries. But the unknown venom called corruption and the locals taking the power for granted was a real shocker. The Country has shown least improvement and the maximum affected are the poor. The innocent people minds are handled tactically by the corrupted one's and they survive pretty by betraying their own soil. The root has penetrated deeply and the agony of many Social activists and common man won't be sufficient to salvage the damage. The Wound can be healed only when there is a mass appeal together with a strong protest.  The protest done by small groups can be swallowed easily by the corrupted minds who know how to handle the game now. It's time for every individual to create a spark among every young mind now to overcome the venom called corruption.  The next generation will have a mass appeal with their minds an...

"Slumdog Millionaire" was an Architect of real India.

"Slumdog Millionaire is a movie comprised in dirty slums of India with half Hindi and English". Danny Boyle's experiment of shooting a film with a real Indian feel turned out to be a phenomenal success and received an outstanding response from different masses, which was a surprise to many modern directors. But was the secret beyond that? The story revolving around a Rural Indian boy Jamal (Slumdog) was narrated effectively on the big screen with real Indian touch. The essence of the story is how the Slumdog answers all the questions in a game show to win the contest, with the average knowledge in the environment he grew up. The contestant is handed over to the police in suspicion at the time he has only one question left to crack 20 Million rupees. When the police questions, the Slumdog reveals the experience of a real Poor Indian who has gone through a lot of struggle, and the answers were known to him during the course of his life. Finally he is released to p...

Why communication is the master of all!

Communication is an art of conveying a message. However, mastering the art of communication is not as simple as it sounds Communication may be verbal, written, or even silent. But the most competent and successful individuals   are the one, who   know when and how to implement this   amazing  art in style   and in an effective manner. Excellent communicators distinguish themselves from the average communicators with outstanding listening, analyzing and executing skills and body language. Average communicators need not feel low, as effective communication skills can be acquired and developed over the course of time.. Effective communicators have mastered the art by rectifying the flaws they committed in the initial stage of their life. Effective communication largely depends upon the knowledge of language used.  So initial hiccups are common for an average and below average communicators, but it can be transformed with...

Those Golden days will help you during crisis!

"Joy and agony are the 2 concepts life revolves around" , but the trick to move on is to remember the golden days we lived and not the days you were on the lower side. A person cannot cry or smile all day as everything has its own limitations and boundaries.   The problem arises when an individual sticks to a same mode of dull and negative thoughts where the future prospects can be ruined . That's where the key factor called golden days in your life comes in to play. Golden days can be your   childhood, School, College days and not to ignore the days you were on the high , on your performance and appreciated by others. But all days in life can't be sweet as those days we were on the high. The days of agony and sorrow also become part of our lives, which can change the life style so easily.   That's where every individual has to recall the best moments of his or her life to keep themselves balanced and move on to overcome the obstacles . We have...

Human Resource a key factor for an organisation to grow.

Human Resource in simple terms is an employee who takes care of other employees right from the scratch in an organization. The definition is simple, but the role of an HR professional in an organization is well diversified and more challenging than what is believed. For an organization to grow the key factor revolves around the HR's approach and application. Employees are the backbone for an organization to grow or crumble. That's why hiring a right employee and taking care of their entire work cycle is essential for an organization to prosper. Recruitment is the first major role a Human Resource person in the hot seat has to take care off, as every organization have roles and they need the right candidate to perform them effectively. The most challenging part is not screening and finding the contact details of possible candidates in the job portals. But to bring the right candidate in to the job and live up to the management’s expectations, as the turnaround ra...

Self esteem is an individual concept.

Self-esteem is crucial factor where every individual expects respect and peace as an individual from others. But the circumstances are not friendly or will comfort the individual always. The individual should not get lost or carried away by being disrespected by some people around, who gain pleasure by insulting you. If the person becomes weak after being insulted or humiliated by someone, it will destroy the individual's potential on a short run or even a long run depending on the recovery time. Self-esteem literally means what you mean to yourself and not what others believe about you. Every individual knows what he or she deserves based on the honest judgment of his or her action. When an individual has done a big blunder and gets humiliated by someone, they know from their bottom of the heart they deserved it. But when an individual hasn't done a crime, but convicted for that by mistake and mocked by the society is an agony. That's where the concept of self-...

Don't press the panic button when it's not required.

We play two different roles in life which is our professional and personal life. But life looks like a mess when we face problems in professional and personal life. Things can be managed better when an individual can keep his calm to handle the pressure and hiccups we face in life. But it's not easy to be relaxed, when you see a natural disaster or a midnight accident with someone bleeding. The art of being relaxed is not applicable in all circumstances in life but can be maximized depending on the situation. "The true fact is nerves can be controlled in maximum number of circumstances in life". How many times people commit suicide for not able to clear the exam or when they break up with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Life is too big and how to they decided to react in these circumstances only leads to a disastrous outcome. Failing in exams doesn't mean you fail in life. World has witnessed millionaires and popular stars who haven't even gone to Scho...


A DAY WITHOUT INTERNET             How many Companies will lose Money and value?                     How many loose in touch with the loved ones?             How many Facebook addicts will commit suicide?                     How many will be missing online booking and shopping?            How many will miss Google which has made life simpler?                     How many customers will be frustrated due to lack of service?            How many Miss Skype to Skype free calls?                     How many will miss the sweet pinging noise in Gtalk?            How many will die to add their best p...

Career is not about the best College we choose, it's about the best professional you can transform on the course..

Modern day youngsters are definitely concerned about their career and future, off-course every individual is for a healthy survival. But there is a wrong perception among many students that choosing the right college alone matters. The actual fact is all the individuals in high profile colleges don't reach the sky and all the students choosing Low Profile College don't fail either.  Career is the individual desire where you have to identify the right job matching your potential. The job is not done once you decide and get in to the good College alone. Because what we read in the books is not the same, when you enter the organization and start to work. The individual has to do a lot of effort and preparation which can happen only due to gradual and tireless practice consistently. For example Marketing and sales is a simple concept, when you read in books and to Score 99 % easily in the College. But when you enter the organization the percentage doesn't matt...

To grow in life do the tough things and don't run away.......

World is too big to seek for opportunity and learn, but due to some awkward incidents that happen on the course, some people decide to live a lonely life and avoid challenges. Loneliness can give them peace initially but becomes a disease which will damage your potential and Psychology of a person gradually. The World and people around us may be challenging at times and we tend to avoid them and live lonely. But knowledge and attitude will only build when we opt to live a challenging life. When we do a tough thing in the beginning it will be nightmare like learning driving on the first day and crashing some one to death. But the problem is we give up easily in life. Junior's become senior's and Managers one day, but how many Juniors quit due to Work pressure and keep changing their jobs as the nightmare continues... When we do a challenging thing the major problem is we are not mentally prepared to face the failure. Off course it will hurt you like a hell, Imagine ...

Global Warming can harm survival, but always underestimated!

The globe will live is universal to everyone, but Humans tend to overcapitalize the natural resources without knowing the impact on the long run.  Survival is the crucial factor in life and in the quest to survive, the nature is being challenged too much without knowing the consequences. Global warming will be curse to survival if it's taken slightly. The living space can be easily hammered with the rising global temperature. Deforestation and construction of industries is a common practice these days, but the  impact will be felt one day for sure.. Why? Global temperature rises not because of single factor, but due to Multi-dimensional factors. Gases like CO2, CO, SO2.........etc create the major damage. The gases tend to create a block on the atmosphere, and doesn't let the heat to move away from the earth, which causes the rise in temperature and increase in water level, due to melting of polar ice caps in Antarctica. Gradually it will swallow the living space an...

Every individual is equally competent, but to compare each other is the biggest threat!

Jealous is a natural feeling , as every individual is bound to be during the course of his or her life. But some people do transform themselves during the course and realize every individual is unique and competent. Not everyone can become a Michael Jackson or a Pete Sampras, but why they managed better than many is they realized their competency and fully capitalized on that to prove themselves. But they also knew that unique factors others have is not their big strength, and never wasted much time for what they are not born for. The art of comparing is the big barrier, where the individual happens to suppress his individual competency and try to become a different Man/Woman which they are not meant for. Every individual can stand out , when they work on the differentiating factor they have in them, which will fetch good results on the long run. Society will hardly motivate when you make a first attempt, but if you learn the trick of motivating yourself and motivate others as w...

A Balanced person will move on and the arrogant will crumble!

Modesty is a feature, where an individual doesn't suppress his talent by any means, but can control his/her emotions after Success. People take a lot a pain, hard-work and effort to reach the higher level but reaching the higher level doesn't mean the learning process has stopped. When the person feels he is on the high which is natural, but he/she also has to realize the fact that the World is too big and he hasn't learnt the entire size of the Ocean. The most sensible Human factor is being balanced in life and to move forward treat everyone equally and keep learning. You have achieved something, off-course you have no body can deny the fact. But the cruel World which admires you can make you feel the heat if you become arrogant and stop thinking like a common neutral Man or Woman. That's why the Balanced person will move on in life and the arrogant crumble on the long run. One day hero if forgotten but a long time hero is remembered due to their balanced app...

Oh my gosh getting screwed up, but you are not the only one!

"Life is combination of bits and pieces that makes it interesting to live". Many people would love life to be a piece of cake, without any pressures and challenges. But life without challenges and pressure is always meaningless. How many times you felt like breaking the Computer in your office, but the real fact is that it will be the same even if you move to a different office and change your job. Handling pressure and challenges in personal and professional life is initially painful, but when you develop the skill, you will survive the toughest challenges and life will be fruitful on the long run. People running away from pressure and leave the responsibility to somebody else will suffer on the long run. But a gutsy and matured individual knows to move forward in life and he or she has to bear the heat to survive better. The truth of the matter is "you are not the only one getting screwed up". It's a part of everybody's life which can build a perso...

Can Humans become God?

God is a supernatural power, which is not seen but felt,  but why some Humans are given that status? Men/Women who worship God are never felicitated as God, to achieve the status He or She has to live up to the principles written in heaven. Child making a sin has to be forgiven as it's innocent about the world. A teenager committing mistakes can be excused as he/she is in the learning path of life. But when you become a real Human with a good amount of experience and existence in the World you have very little excuses for repeating the same blunders. No Man or a Woman can call himself as God as everyone has to die one day but the phenomenon called God continues even after his death. But every Man can make the presence of God felt during his survival with the quality of life he leads and to make sure his presence is a boon to the world not a bane. God is untouchable or overambitious to compare with Humans. But still the world has the courtesy to give the status to many when t...

Day's we hurt someone are not remembered, but the day's when someone hurt's you are remembered!

Human nature is typical, but never accepts the natural facts hidden beyond the rocks of a unknown sea. Hurting is a concept which is a part of everyone's life. Life is all about the experience we gain during the course, and not a pleasant journey always. We hurt someone or someone else hurts you, it's natural, but when the process gets repeated on a long run you are a average human being in the society. When you reveal your life history, you won't discover a life that you haven't hurt anyone, but you remember people who hurt you as you were at the receiving end. But the true fact is it's a part of the world we live and how much we can grow mentally strong and change to make sure we make our presence comfortable and pleasant for everyone around us! Survival of the fittest is the modern Science statement, where the mentally strong will resist any challenge and the weaker drown into the world of sadness when they are hurt.

Whom do you want to prove, the world or your loved ones?

People fall is love, and get immersed in a different World without realizing it's only a part of life. Love can hurt and transform you into a different Human all together, it can easily divert you to a crazy world, where your potential and the caliber can sink into the well and melt into pieces. World is a big phenomenon, which is difficult to prove as it's a milestone to cross many obstacles and justify yourself to many rather than making a point to only few of your loved ones and die. A young man can easily forget the World around him and die for one Woman. In another scenario, missing your family or other loved ones destroys your concentration and brings an inability to perform. But whats the underlying truth is we all belong to the world to play a role and prove ourself. When we prove the World, the ones you miss or love the most, will cheer with joy for your awaiting Success, which makes life interesting and a delighting concept, which has to be realized by many wh...

Mom and Dad a treasure world never knew!

Mom and Dad,  they live and die, so simple to read and digest, but after their loss we realize they worth for a million dollars. The company will always make you realize the pressure to know their financial crisis, but Mom and Dad can never, as they never knew the concept of money to their kids. Blood relationship can easily over-smart money easily. That's the value of relationship, as they can break the value of money easily. When Mom and Dad are alive it's not easy to realize their presence, but when they die, the silence will break which is special, when they lived for you.

Being Extra a Gift!

Ordinary and extraordinary are 2 different concepts, as they are rated with a huge gap in the society . How many times, the person scoring 100 in the exam easily outsmarts a person scoring 99.5% which is not much far behind in terms of effort and performance. But being extraordinary is only a 0.5%, which makes the difference. Ordinary people compete and work in a orthodox way fetching a decent life and outcome. But being extraordinary makes lot of sense as a individual has a strong message to convey in terms of executing his internal talent to the outside world. It all requires a additional effort which is painful after a sportsman who practiced for 16 hours is told to practice for 1 more hour. But the additional exhausting effort will always make you an extraordinary individual and that's what counts at the end of the day.

Who is a Champion ?

Champion is a Man or a Woman, who won the marathon, he is also the one who is popular among many and stands unique or he is one who can steel women's heart comfortably. But life hasn't seen many champions who need fame and name to punch their identity in the air .  How many times you know the name of freedom fighters for your Country when you salute your Country's flag. What about soldiers fighting across your Nation's border   ready to sacrifice his life for you and your peace. Champion is not a Bollywood or Hollywood star always, he may not be in the scene always either, but remains a unknown champion, who works for the right cause and can commit his life even to an stranger whom he never knew. Anybody can be a Champion with a rich quality life he/she lives for the sake of fellow human beings , but the society never knows many real champions yet, which is the real truth.
Her lips can lie, but her eyes don't lie! ' Women can be   emotionless ', lack of feeling and thoughts, that’s what a man who proposes a woman for a first time feels. But an average woman can easily differentiate between love and lust, that’s where they stand out much better in analysis when compared to men. If a woman likes you, her eyes will never hide the emotion, but her words can, to make sure you are the right choice of her. Naturally potential  man  need not do anything , be themselves to create a impact, but being artificial creates a hatred to a lady, who doesn’t even consider that rock star, who believes he is beyond the ocean to impress a lady, who doesn’t even consider his credential close to her charisma! A true Woman will never ignore a true man, who is sensible enough to move forward without struggle and tendency to hide nerves when it matters, If men is not matured enough to differentiate between   flirt and love , a wom...

Environment is Facebook or Kolaveri?

Environment is Facebook or Kolaveri?  Can you prove yourself in the intense competition…….. Environment is not a simple concept of land, water, fire, people or the surrounding factors alone as a common man explains in the interview.  It’s as big as an ocean, difficult to justify with a one line explanation.  But what it is still we are passionate about? It’s the only option where every individual can establish his/her identity. The uniqueness is environment doesn’t treat any individual in terms of race, religion, caste or creed. Environment always respects the right talent and potential, it never disappoints the individual who strives hard to make a point with a right sense. Global warming is due to emission of gases(co2, so2 etc) which blocks the heat to move away from our environment creating higher water level and reducing space to live. If the environment accepts that, which is true, it never ignores an individual with a lot a fire and spark to prove h...