Global Warming can harm survival, but always underestimated!

The globe will live is universal to everyone, but Humans tend to overcapitalize the natural resources without knowing the impact on the long run.  Survival is the crucial factor in life and in the quest to survive, the nature is being challenged too much without knowing the consequences.

Global warming will be curse to survival if it's taken slightly. The living space can be easily hammered with the rising global temperature. Deforestation and construction of industries is a common practice these days, but the  impact will be felt one day for sure.. Why?

Global temperature rises not because of single factor, but due to Multi-dimensional factors. Gases like CO2, CO, SO2.........etc create the major damage. The gases tend to create a block on the atmosphere, and doesn't let the heat to move away from the earth, which causes the rise in temperature and increase in water level, due to melting of polar ice caps in Antarctica. Gradually it will swallow the living space and making life complicated.

Plants and green trees have the ability to absorb these gases and decrease the temperature. But due to intense competition and survival, we destroy the forest and land for our personal and professional cause. Industries not only destroy forest, but also increases the emission of gases causing further damage to Earth.

"Earth is to live and die, but not to damage it and die". If the Globe we live is taken for granted it will backfire and make survival hard for the future. The human tendency of acquiring more wealth and living space is hard to understand. Every individual should capitalize only what they deserve and not make life complicated for further generations to come, which they don't deserve!


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