Oh my gosh getting screwed up, but you are not the only one!

"Life is combination of bits and pieces that makes it interesting to live". Many people would love life to be a piece of cake, without any pressures and challenges. But life without challenges and pressure is always meaningless. How many times you felt like breaking the Computer in your office, but the real fact is that it will be the same even if you move to a different office and change your job. Handling pressure and challenges in personal and professional life is initially painful, but when you develop the skill, you will survive the toughest challenges and life will be fruitful on the long run.

People running away from pressure and leave the responsibility to somebody else will suffer on the long run. But a gutsy and matured individual knows to move forward in life and he or she has to bear the heat to survive better. The truth of the matter is "you are not the only one getting screwed up". It's a part of everybody's life which can build a person for the future, if he or she learns how to handle it when it matters the most.


  1. Karthik , Well Written.

    Everyone is screwed up in some of other ways. Now it matters who is screwed up with what.

    Few people who are screwed up as they are not able to work - they are in the worst situation .

    Few are screwed up by the work. They are lucky to be screwed up as they have the opportunity to organize themselves and get the things right at the track.


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