Whom do you want to prove, the world or your loved ones?

People fall is love, and get immersed in a different World without realizing it's only a part of life. Love can hurt and transform you into a different Human all together, it can easily divert you to a crazy world, where your potential and the caliber can sink into the well and melt into pieces. World is a big phenomenon, which is difficult to prove as it's a milestone to cross many obstacles and justify yourself to many rather than making a point to only few of your loved ones and die.

A young man can easily forget the World around him and die for one Woman. In another scenario, missing your family or other loved ones destroys your concentration and brings an inability to perform. But whats the underlying truth is we all belong to the world to play a role and prove ourself. When we prove the World, the ones you miss or love the most, will cheer with joy for your awaiting Success, which makes life interesting and a delighting concept, which has to be realized by many who give up so easily. 


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